Pictured Pack: Art Conjecture


The surface of this hiking pack allows users to document where they have been in an obvious way. Pokets on the pack are made specifically for users to place pictures and keepsakes from their adventures on the outside. Each of these sections is accessible from the inside of the pack. This keeps anything from falling out on the trail.

This backpack is not only a tool for individuals to remember their experiences, but it also gives people around them a quick sneak peek into how experienced the person who is wearing it is. In the case of women in the outdoors, there is a tendency to downplay their level of experience. This pack specifically would make the woman’s expertise visibly recognized. The pack would also serve as a great conversation starter as new people can quickly learn about each other and ask meaningful questions about their past experiences fostering a more friendly community.

The backpack would have all the same features as a typical hiking pack and would come in fits for both men and women. The name of the backpack “Pictured Pack” in in homage to Pictured Rocks National Lake Shour, a popular hiking destination.