Everyday Anxieties: How to Visualize Your Vulnerability?


by Sophie Knezic, Frieze, July 17 2019


Although we all know what it means – and moreover, how it feels – it’s worth noting that the word ‘vulnerable’ originates from the Latin vulnerare, ‘to wound’. This sense of puncture and injury inevitably links to the notion of suffering, and both philosophy and art have had much to say about this.

Many of the works by eight artists in ‘On Vulnerability and Doubt’ – which was curated by ACCA Artistic Director Max Delany – pull back the skin on suffering and selfhood, touching the wound of personal experience in ways that extend beyond individual circumstance and swell into universal experience.

Doubt presupposes vulnerability, and vulnerability doubt: the experience of the world lies in the circuit between them.

Vulnerability and fear play a lot into the psychology behind my thesis. Being able to talk about vulnerabilities and learn about general fears that people have at night will greatly help my final outcome