Design Conjecture: Business


CommunityCrafts! by Lauren Hoffman

Value Proposition

CommunityCrafts! is a service that involves the sharing of craft kits between senior centers and preschools. Each month, a kit of art/crafting materials will be sent to a preschool and senior center. At the end of the month, each sends a pre-labeled box with the contents of the first package to their partner senior center or preschool. Deliveries each month alternate between new art kits and a shared kit. Art materials are shared and crafts are related to intergenerational activities. For example, preschoolers draw pictures for the seniors and the seniors write stories for the preschoolers. Art materials are shared and exciting content/crafts are shared between participating centers.

Audience Relationships

CommunityCrafts! will establish relationships between local preschools and senior centers and will function as a delivery service and intergenerational liaison.

Key Partners

Children’s craft companies like Crayola and Cray-Z-Art will be partnered with to source art products and crafting supplies.

Audience Segments

Local early learning centers and adult day centers or nursing homes will be eligible to participate. The service will allow preschools and senior day centers to reap financial and social benefits of an intergenerational center, without actually being one.

Key Activities

Recruiting participating centers and establishing a method of accountability in returning and exchanging materials. A team will be hired and paid to organize the “match-making” of senior centers and preschools. A design team will be hired to design the crafts included in the kits. The kits be designed to have two lives: one for each location. Reduce, reuse, recycle mentalities are emphasized.

Key Resources

Key resources include a stock of art and crafting supplies, shipping infrastructure, and a headquarters for outreach, design, marketing, finance, etc.

Distribution Channels

Partner preschools and adult day centers will register via website or app and will check in on that platform. Seminars will be held at senior centers and preschools to market the service. The service will start in central Ohio and branch out from there.

Cost Structures

It will cost money to host a website domain where early learning centers and senior centers will register. Funding will be needed to source the crafting materials. Sourcing bulk quantities from singular companies will keep costs low.

Revenue Stream

Participating preschools and senior centers will buy a subscription to CommunityCrafts!. They will select which packages best fit their class and center sizes, and kits are priced accordingly. Participating schools and centers can use federal grant money to pay for the service.