Circular-Sole- Business Conjecture


This is an ideal business model for a sustainable running shoe company. First you begin with the acquisition of a subscriber for one big yearly payment. Once the you have the subscriber, they list their foot size, style, and use for the shoe (distance, sprinting, etc) and we make them a custom one-off sneaker. The tops would be made out of a durable material that will last long and provide maximum comfort while the bottoms will be printed with a rubber like TPU filament. After being shipped out and used by the consumer they send their shoes back to the company. From here we disassemble the shoe, clean and grind up the soles, and extrude it as a new TPU filament. From here we use the recycled filament to print out a new sole for the subscriber and connect it back to his used upper and send it back out to him. From this, shoes will enter the circular economy and keep shoes out of landfills.