Making a Sword with THERMITE!


TheBackyardScientist (Kevin Kohler) Oct 11, 2017

“Usually Thermite is used to destroy things… Instead, I wanted to use it to make something to destroy things with. If you have never heard of it -Thermite is a mixture of Iron Oxide (rust) and Aluminum powder. When you ignite it a vigorous chemical reaction takes place which results in liquid iron. Its used industrially for welding metal, the military uses it to destroy enemy equipment, teachers use it for science demonstrations, and youtubers just melt stuff with it. I made a mold out of insulating firebricks, and set off the thermite over it to fill it with molten steel!”

Mitch: I was really excited about the application of a highly energetic exothermic reaction for a constructive use. The artist found this dichotomy between something traditionally used for destructive purposes, being utilized to create, and ultimately create a destructive object in and of itself. I see a real beauty in creating something from a chaotic fiery process (even if in this case it is a silly item in and of itself). Firefighters must battle dangerous flames daily and it’s humanity versus an element, here it’s meaningful to me to see a unique way of harnessing/cooperating with this element and exploring a material. The acid etching to reveal the crystalline pattern was particularly compelling to me, especially realizing that no two would ever be the same due to how the various elements in the alloy are randomly distributed when cooling locks them solidly into place. I believe there are areas for refinement in the process.