Meg Dattoria Created Fidget Rings to Help Control Anxious Bodily Functions
By Megan Facciuolo, Trend Hunter, 1 July 2014
Meg Dattoria, a Washington DC-based artist, created a collection of rings dubbed ‘Fidget Rings’ in response to her habits of restlessness. When people are restless like Dattoria, anxious or nervous, they tend to fidget. From biting their nails to tapping their feet, people have their own ways of fidgeting.
A common fidgeter motion involves playing with jewelry. Many people, especially women, tend to fiddle with their rings. Meg Dattoria came up with six models of stretchy rings that mimic the natural paths human hands follow when they fidget with rings. Some of them incorporate spinning and rolling balls, sliding discs and a seesaw-like mechanism.

These ring designs allow those with ADHA, Autism, and Aspergers to re-concentrate erratic energies through the piece of jewlery. They mimic the natural motion of the hand when it gets restless, anxious, or nervous.