Huntington Bank Code of Ethics


I know this is the kind of thing I could have asked Huntington about, and this was already pretty clear from the project brief, but I like being able to see clearly what Huntington’s overall motivation is. My main takeaways from skimming Huntington’s Code of Ethics:

  • There is an awareness that their decisions directly affect their customers’ financial positions. Financial decisions should be taken seriously, and Huntington should look out for their customers with their best interest in mind.
    • Looking out for their customers with their best interests in mind- what would it look like if Huntington didn’t treat each customer equally? What if they had more to offer to customers that were more at risk to make poor decisions? – this would actually be having their best interest in mind. What if the Huntington customer experience was more equitable than equal?
  • “We are open and honest with our customers about what is best for their finances and make the effort to truly understand their needs and how best we can address them”
    • This statement makes me wish I understood what it was like to be a Huntington customer, since I am not. What resources does a Huntington customer already have to address their personal finances?
  • “Huntington strives to give our best bank to our communities, fostering strong, healthy and vibrant neighborhoods by sharing our resources and time. Huntington has established a transformative community development plan focused on empowering economic mobility and strengthening low-to-moderate income neighborhoods in the communities we serve.”
    • I think this is interesting to note— this plan connect directly to a financial literacy solution for the same communities. What is the community development plan?