Design Conjecture: Connective Interface Screen


This design conjecture is intended to acknowledge the proposed solutions as provided from our stakeholders and address the line of sight (vision) of the nurse practitioners and respiratory therapists.

Currently, during an inter-hospital transport the personnel that will accompany the patient include: physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and respiratory therapists. The roles of such caregivers consist of monitoring the patient based upon subjective physical signals as well as monitoring the transport ventilator that is continuing to measure the status of the patient, displaying data and sounding various alarms and alerts.

Based upon the provided concepts, the screen and information visualization is located off to the side of the bed which inhibits the view of the data. As a result, there will be more time spent trying to evaluate the ventilator and make adjustments, if needed, due to the lack of consideration and inefficiency of the nurses etc. have to redirect their line of sight. By integrating a a screen on the back of the hospital bed that ventilator can be connected transferring its built in screen to the LCD/LED screen further advocating for a more efficient (time saving) transport and monitoring.