Voice Recognition Innovation And The Implications For Seniors


How Voice Recognition Has Innovated Over Time

Over time, the technology of voice recognition expanded. Some common developments include:

  • Identifying commands via Bluetooth in cars like sending messages or making hands-free calls
  • Speech recognition systems over the phone that can identify words and phrases to help potentially handle a problem before a human does
  • Helping turn speech into text for people with speech and hearing disabilities on devices like phones and televisions
  • Helping document medical records as well as helping search for medical records in various systems

Some of the most popular voice recognition software in the 21st century are: Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, Cortana

As noted, these virtual assistants are becoming increasingly important because they can help seniors in their daily activities, especially when they’re home alone.

One of the primary advantages of voice recognition is that it can provide a voice and a reminder for seniors when no one is around. Seniors’ health can be at risk when there aren’t any nurses or caretakers nearby, especially if maladies like dementia or physical limitations have began to onset.

Some of these dangers include:

– Falls

– Forgetfulness

– Isolation: More than 10 million seniors—almost one-fourth of the whole senior population—live alone. Isolation can come with a slew of risks, including a higher risk of depression (which can aid in the advancement of declining cognition), a higher risk of mortality, and an increased risk of developing alcoholism. These devices aren’t replacements for friends and family members, but the voice can help keep the mind sharp and remind seniors of social engagements they have planned.

Beyond helping with the more dire medical issues a senior is going through, voice recognition can simply help seniors complete daily activities at a quicker, more efficient rate.

Ways this new voice recognition software can impact the lives of seniors:

Aiding With Prescriptions

Helping Complete Simple Tasks:

-In case of emergency


-Calling for assistance or help

-Updates on weather

-Provides an easier way to use technology


Not every device is going to be useful for a senior, but there’s surely a device out there for every senior that can find a way to make their life easier. You may also have to factor in things like how hard of hearing you or a loved one is, or if their living situation allows it. Either way, the future of voice recognition is not only here, it’s here to help.


Voice recognition innovation and the implications for seniors – updated for 2021. AgingInPlace.org. (2021, March 10). https://aginginplace.org/voice-recognition-innovation-and-the-implications-for-seniors/. 


This article is all about the benefits and possibilities of voice recognition software and devices. It is specifically geared towards the senior population. The full article goes into more detail too about data and complications of issues like falling and forgetfulness, as well as why and how voice recognition softwares can help. This seemed really useful because it is all about enhancing not only emergency situations, but making daily tasks easier. And these smart devices seem relatively inexpensive and accessible. I can definitely see how voice recognition relates to mobility, because it allows things to be hands free, as well as can benefit for decreased mental mobility or capacity because it can give reminders and more. Utilizing voice recognition devices people already have and designing things for the circulator in conjunction with those devices could be helpful. I want to now look into what devices our research participants currently utilize at home.