Why the key to effective engagement banking lies in behavioural science

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Banks can utilize behavioral science to enhance consumer experience:

One of my first thoughts for what could help improve personal financial and wellness was education. This article argues it’ll take more than that, and instead, poses that a change in behavior is necessary. As a designer, this puts my solution closer to a system that encourages people to grow over time, rather than a platform that teaches financial literacy.

To achieve this, I can implement behavioral science into banking through methods like intrinsic motivation. If someone’s goals are more likely to be met when they are linked to a motivation, how can I associate positive emotions with their financial goals? Would this be opening their network to connections they are emotionally attached to, or creating fun experiences to assist in their financial decisions?

From this article, I gathered that people may want to improve their savings, but won’t act on it. How can designers close the intention-action gap to get customers to take this first step, but then also stay on the path?


Söderqvist, S. (2022, January 10). Why the key to effective engagement banking lies in behavioural science. Fintech Futures. https://www.fintechfutures.com/2022/01/why-the-key-to-effective-engagement-banking-lies-in-behavioural-science/