Laser Tag’s popularity has exploded as people look for ways to celebrate outside


“Laser Tag units are basically TV remote controls dressed up to look like fancy science fiction blasters.  They “transmit” infra-red light (basically an LED blinks on and off behind some optics) and “sensors” pick up the light and decode the signal to figure out where it came from, and who gets the credit for the tag.”

“Kids who play video games, especially first-person shooter (FPS) games like Fortnite, tend to understand Laser tag immediately.  They are familiar with the concepts and game modes. The chance to play an FPS like game in real life is irresistible.  What’s more, the players are able to experiment with different games.  They can work as teams, play individually, or recreate popular video game experiences like infection, or dreadnaught.  Our coaches are constantly assessing the newest most popular games.  They take away the learning curve so players spend more time tagging each other than figuring out rules.”


Novis, S. (n.d.). Laser Tag’s popularity has exploded as people look for ways to celebrate outside. LinkedIn.


This article is honestly half an advertisement for laser tag, but I like the way it describes how they create environments. The superficial FPS atmosphere and gun design is what I’m interested in. How miniature can a cue to something they love be and have a kid, or any visitor, still find interest?