Monday, March 10, 2025

    Maria Bowman





    When feeling comes before thinking: a sensorial approach to curatorial practice

    "Art sharpens our senses. Without the necessity of words, we feel. Moving encounters with art take on our body, awake memories, and...

    The Sky in Art

    "Over the last weeks, Artpool's team has been constantly looking up. As we have become in immersed in the project Celeste, by Spanish artist Solimán...

    Leonardo da Vinci and Flight

    "Among the many subjects Leonardo studied, the possibility of human mechanical flight held particular fascination.  He produced more than 35,000 words and...

    Land Art Today, Beyond Cowboys With Bulldozers

    "Land art is at a crossroads. Michael Heizer, the cowboy-hatted stalwart of earthworks, began the charismatic megasculpure, “City,” in 1972; the complex of cast...

    The fantasy of flight: Porco Rosso and Miyazaki’s lifelong obsession

    "Miyazaki’s obsession with flight is evident throughout his films. In fact, flying sequences feature in all but three of his 11 pictures...

    This is my test post so I do not fail because...

    Hopefully all is well. Slay