IoT & Sustainable Urban Development


Creating smart, sustainable cities with IoT

IoT is one of the driving technologies behind the smart city concept and is poised to be a key component in facilitating sustainable urban development. More than half of the world population lives in urban areas today and cities account for more than 70 percent of global carbon emissions and 60-80% of energy consumption. As urban populations have increased, services have overall deteriorated in terms of both quantity and quality, with rapid urbanization giving rise to increased challenges around things like traffic congestion, water contamination, and most importantly, social inequality. 

Municipalities are leveraging IoT technology to connect devices, infrastructure, and people. It is being used to address challenges that range from waste management and water conservation to traffic, air pollution, and power grids. By leveraging IoT technologies, cities are able to successfully manage their growing populations by improving the quality of life and the efficiency of urban operations and services, while also increasing competitiveness and addressing economic, social, environmental, and cultural needs.

The top priorities for some of the world’s leading smart cities include:

  • Connected public transport (74%)
  • Traffic monitoring and management (72%)
  • Water level / flood monitoring (72%)
  • Video surveillance and analytics (72%)
  • Connected streetlights (68%)
  • Weather monitoring (68%)
  • Air quality / Pollution monitoring (68%)
  • Smart metering – water (66%)
  • Fire / smoke detection (66%)
  • Water quality monitoring (64%)

Reflective Analysis

There are many takeaways from this article. It provides a comprehensive view of IoT and its impact on improving the quality of life. The capabilities of IoT can be greatly enhanced by incorporating other technologies, leading to significant improvements. I believe that by combining Big Data and IoT, we can effectively address and resolve a multitude of problems.


Lembke, J. (2022, October 18). IOT & Sustainable Urban Development. Tele2 IoT.