FIRST LOOK at how women 18-25 responded to my survey



  1. How important to you is it to feel you can make smart decisions regarding your personal health and wellness? – 4.31
  1. How would you rate your knowledge of the following topics? 
  • Nutrition – 3.14  (med=3)
  • Exercise/Health and fitness- 3.14 (med=3)
  • Physical Wellness – 3.31 (Med=3)
  • Mental health or wellness – 3.64 (Median=4)
  • Spiritual health – 2.42 (Median = 2)
  • Occupational wellness/career confidence – 2.64 (Median 2.5)
  • Beauty care-3.14

Average of all knowledge on personal wellness is 3.06

So at least one person said 5 – they are an expert on every single topic

Everyone in group to some degree has knowledge about physical wellness

  1. How comfortable do you feel discussing personal wellness topics with your friends or family?

3.94 – median=4 – minimum is 2, max 5

Everyone at least feels a little comfortable, most feel very comfortable

  1. How important to you is it to feel you can make smart decisions concerning your personal finances?

4.47 , median = 5, min2 max5

The majority finds this extremely important, everyone at least a little bit

  1. How would you rate your knowledge of the following financial topics? 
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Min and max
  • Purchasing an insurance plan 
    • 1.79 
    • 1.5
    • Min 1 max 4
  • Investing in cryptocurrency
    • 1.47
    • 1
    • Min 1 max 4
  • Dealing with debt
    • 2.21
    • 2
    • Min 1 max 4
  • Managing credit
    • 2.88
    • 3
    • Min 1 max 5
  • Long-term financial planning
    • 2.44
    • 2
    • Min 1 max 5
  • Paying for college/financial aid
    • 2.84
    • 3
    • Min 1 max 5
  • Paying off loans
    • 2.19
    • 2
    • Min 1 max 5
  • Budgeting and saving
    • 3.44
    • 3.5
    • Min 1 max 5
  • Investing in stock
    • 2
    • 2
    • 1- 5
  • Saving for retirement
    • 2.5
    • 2.5
    • 1 – 5
  • Managing student loan debt
    • 2.15
    • 2
    • 1-5

So, group knows most about budgeting and saving, least about investing in Crypto.

Least knowledge – 1- 1.5 – crypto and insurance plans

2’s, from least to most- investing in stock, managing student loan debt, paying off loans, dealing with debt

3’s – some knowledge! – Paying for college/financial aid, Budgeting and saving

Group feels best about knowledge of budgeting and saving. Least knowledge about investing.

Average of knowledge amount is 2.36

  1. How do you feel about your understanding of managing your personal finances?


– 3

– 1-5

Group feels pretty average about their understanding, which is odd because their understanding is admittedly low

  1. How comfortable do you feel discussing personal financial topics with your friends or family?
  • 3.64
  • 4
  • 1-5

This aligns with research, family is comfortable to reach out to, I wish I had differentiated betweens friends, family, and professional advice. 

  1. What is your attitude towards financial literacy- how do you feel your knowledge has been cultivated or prevented? FREE RESPONSE
My dad has done a good job at trying to teach me financial literacy but I feel like if I learned it in high school I would be more educated, as I’m not in any business classes in college.
I think my parents have played a very important role in helping me understand more about finances.
I feel like I know enough from business courses I’ve taken but that isn’t my major. Investing and crypto I’m totally ignorant about.
I think it is not discussed enough at an elementary level
I think the small amount that school has addressed personal finances and those topics have prevented my knowledge on it
i know i need knowledge on it but genuinely don’t know where to begin. my parents try to help but they get frustrated bc i don’t understand their language.
I have a finance degree, but I feel that I learned more about theories and didn’t get involved enough with finances until I started making money of my own.
I think practicing healthy financial habits should be taught throughout school. Growing up all I had to look at was the way my parents spent money, but they were in an entirely different financial situation than I am now. I am cultivating my knowledge through self-paced courses and various financial advice platforms now.
my knowledge has only been cultivated by the limited things i learn from my parents/family. Finance is something that i don’t love to talk about and don’t feel confident enough to even do so.
My financial literacy has been cultivated due to the fact that my parents have taught me a lot about managing my money, but also being in the business school I have learned so much about how to manage my own personal wealth.
I feel that I have access to lots of tools to learn more about my personal finances. I have not been in the position yet where I have needed to concern myself with managing much of my own money, paying bills ect. The terminology used is often sounds confusing and the easiest way to learn about finances (getting insurance, setting up retirement savings account) is by actually doing it.
Very open
Had to rewatch myself bc parents aren’t good with money
Growing up poor & getting a BBA is the perfect combination to make financial stability one of my earliest goals
I have no idea what’s going on to be honest
Haven’t had opportunity or access to such courses
My high school never taught us financial literacy so i am having to teach myself through workshops or youtube videos.
Don’t know much about it
I wish they taught it more in schools because I feel like, as an adult, it is more difficult to reach out for resources individually
I see it as a very important skill to have. I grew up in a very poor household and I understood that every penny counts since the day I was born. I want to learn more and more so that I can prevent myself from slipping into living off of paycheck to paycheck.
I certainly have poor financial literacy, my only knowledge has been through my personal research and education. I have not been trained on the above mentioned topics through my family or professional educational institutions. I definitely have had poor exposure to financially literate people. I think it is important to have the tools to know how to make good personal financial decisions and that the key to being literate is providing the tools to do so.
Not knowing where to start
it’s important but hasn’t been necessary for me to look into
I think financial literacy is very important especially in the world that we live in today. I would say that my attitude towards finances stems for my parents and what they installed in me in the importance of money management and making my money work for me.
I think financial literacy is an important life skill and could be the difference between retiring at 40 vs retiring at 60.
I had to be on my own at a young age, so it was kind of sink or swim. I had some mentors that came alongside me to help make sure I swam.
i have little knowledge on this
Highschool did not teach me anything so i am lost