What Family Means to these Student Athletes

image sourced from https://walterwendler.com/2022/04/student-athletes-and-family-life/

In this article I wanted to focus on the family ties that often times are the reason student athletes are able to get through college. Balancing everything on their plates is not an easy task, and athletes need a support system to help them at every step and I believe this article gives great insight on how athletes’ support can affect their daily lives.

This article has given me great insight on just how important family and support systems can be throughout an athletes collegiate career. Given that “16% of the student athletes are the first in their family to attend college”, it becomes very apparent that for some athletes they have no experience to lean on when it comes to collegiate experience, so it becomes necessary for other resources to guide their journey (Wendler, 2022). It also become imperative that those athletes have support in all aspects of their time in college and showing that “less than 40% felt their parents were academically engaged” gives warning signs that a perspective shift needs to happen (Wendler, 2022). Obviously these relationships will vary from athlete to athlete but the utmost importance is to keep the parents informed and involved in their athletes journey in all aspects of life. There always needs to be a line between support and control in a parental relationship but finding a sweet-spot can make an athletes career that much impactful. Given this, how can design give parental figures in an athletes life the ability to support them in all aspects of life?


Wendler, W. (2022, April 3). Student-athletes and Family Life. Reflections On Higher Education. https://walterwendler.com/2022/04/student-athletes-and-family-life/