Up’s hi—fi: the financially sound system blends art and music to help aussies master money

image sourced from https://up.com.au/blog/wwdc-2019/

Up is a FinTech (financial technology) application that is the highest rated of its’ kind in Australia. Up “dedicates itself to providing modern financial tools tailored to a generation of Australians to help them get better at money. Through intuitive design and human-centric features, Up ensures users can navigate their finances with ease and confidence”(Kostyra, 2024). I went to get insight from this article because I believe it’s important to understand what is innovative on the other side of the world, and FinTech applications are some of the greatest competition to brick-and-mortar based banks such as Huntington.

Up has done a great job in reaching younger population in Australia and there are a couple takeaways I had from reading through this article and after looking through their website. Up has used culturally relevant ways in which they have reached the youth of Australia and the Hi—Fi system is one great one that they have used. By using the DJ booth to “choreograph financial data into an immersive auditory experience” it allows for an experience that is interactive and informative (Kostyra, 2024). This is an interesting way to do this because I find that the club setting is one in which is the last place people want to think about their finances, and Up found a way to intersect these two different spheres in a culturally relevant and innovative way. In reflecting on this intersection how can design act as a mediator between the world of finance and the world of the ‘young’ spender?


Kostyra, L. (2024, August 27). Up’s hi-fi: The financially sound system blends art and music to help Aussies master money. designboom. https://www.designboom.com/technology/up-hi-fi-financially-sound-system-art-music-australians-money-08-26-2024/