MOGL and How it’s changing the Game

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I have combined my science and technology section and my focus section in this article by displaying and analyzing the newest applications in the NIL world. The MOGL application launched earlier this year on IOS platforms. I believe it to be very insightful into what currently exists in the market of applications with a student athlete focus, and I can learn a great deal from its existence.

The MOGL application has given athletes the opportunity to have access to “succeed in the Digital Age” (Yahoo!, 2024). Seeing that the main points of emphasis in this application are focused on ease of use and a personalized experience I can draw many connections to other tech based articles I have read and see that these points are emphasized across all boards in emerging technology. Connecting the athletes directly to the businesses that they may interact with and strike deals with is another point of emphasis that MOGL gives the athletes that may be interested in joining their platform (Yahoo!, 2024). The market of NIL centered applications is still in its infancy stage so I believe that there is room to improve, but I think there are points to learn from it and what they’re doing right. How then can design create interventions that allow athletes to use applications to help them succeed in the digital age?


Yahoo! (2024, March 20). MOGL accelerates nil sponsorships with launch of IOS app for athlete influencers. Yahoo! Finance.