This device provides users with a blanket is security and ease of mind of what is inside their medications. Exactly what is inside. The device will can any pill and medication and display on the screen what active ingredients are inside. This removes the fear of changing manufactures and changing formulas from known medications from generic the trade names. It can also helpful in knowing is something is expired, tainted, or contains allergies. The fears present in the epileptic community surrounding swapping medications from generic to trade names(Chen, 2024) would disappear. Risking deadly seizures returning after having then under control would only be a story from the past. Insurance companies and drug manufacturers would back this device because it would prevent the liabilities, coverage, and lawsuits against them.
Chen, B. X., & Tambunan, A. (2024, April 11). This artificially intelligent pin wants to free you from your phone. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/11/technology/personaltech/ai-pin-humane-openai-microsoft.html
Gemini. (2024). Google (Sep 24 version) [Large language model]. https://gemini.google.com/app?hl=en-GB