Design Conjecture: The Hot Wheels Public Transit Collection

The conceptual Hot Wheels Bullet Train final rendering, made by editing a Vizcom AI rendering of my sketch.
My original sketch, made in the app Procreate, before running it through Vizcom AI for refinement.

After reading the article “Why Hot Wheels are one of the most inflation-proof toys in American history” and seeing that a recurring theme in the rest of my gathered articles for the business section was keeping up with demand during climate change, I sketched out a concept for one vehicle toy in a new Hot Wheels line that would get kids interested in public transportation and not just personal transportation. The line would include a bullet train as the main draw, as one of the appeals of Hot Wheels is that they are fast, and this would show kids that public transportation can be fast too. Other vehicles in this line would be buses, subway trains, rail cars, etc.

This design isn’t perfect, as pushing public transit to be implemented in every part of the United States isn’t a reasonable or effective solution against climate change. I wish it were that easy to give everyone access to public transit, but a large portion of the U.S. is rural, and everything from homes to businesses are spread out geographically in these regions. To get around, people need personal cars. It would take a lot of money and resources to build a transportation system along these sparse country roads, and would it even be effective? Probably not. But this isn’t to say that we shouldn’t invest in public transit over cars in cities and suburbs. There just needs to be another solution in rural areas (unless someone designs an amazing public transit system).

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