Conjecture: Frunk Lighting


For one of my literature reviews I focused on the work of artist Dan Flavin. Flavin worked with fluorescent lighting tubes to create immersive art in prominent galleries around the world (Cassidy, n.d.). While I have been fascinated with Flavin’s work, I recognize that it is quite unapproachable (both literally and metaphorically) to the average viewer. In my conjecture, I sought to create a solution that called upon his work while also being a fun and approachable design conjecture. 

My Frunk Lighting solution gives users the ability to bring the work of Flavin into their own vehicle. With an internal control panel, users are able to modify the lighting of their frunk space and remove the lights for use at parties and other gatherings. This conjecture also calls upon the increased use of LED lighting over the past few years to decorate vehicles and other spaces. However, research would need to be done to determine how far the lights could travel away from the vehicle and whether or not the car would need to be on for the lights to function. 

This lighting solution brings to light a key gap in the market. Thousands of after-market products exist that bring LED lighting options into the vehicle, yet few car manufacturers actually incorporate these features into their standard vehicles.


Cassidy, V. (n.d.). No Trespassing: The Art of Dan Flavin. ArtNet