Caffeine injection & Monitor Device:
The caffeine injection and monitor device is a small, skin patch designed to help manage caffeine intake without the need for traditional sources like coffee or energy drinks. It can be attached to various parts of the body, such as the arm or shoulder. The device is controlled through an app, where users can customize how much caffeine they receive and at what times. It delivers personalized and controlled dose of caffeine based on individual body health condition. The device tracks body’s caffeine levels and providing the necessary amounts throughout the day.
Additionally, it can also monitor caffeine levels in real-times to prevent accidental intake from other caffeine sources. Might come from drinking and eating, without even knowing they contain with caffeine. Once the maximum tolerance level is reached, it automatically stops dispensing to avoid overconsumption. The users will also get updates from the app, showing their current energy levels and suggesting adjustments based on their daily activities or sleep patterns. This way to ensure optimal energy management while minimizing health risks associated with caffeine consumption.
- Reusable?
- Can it be refilled?
- Does it need to be charged?
- How long for one time of using?
- Waterproof?
- How long can the skin patches be used?
- How to make sure it is clean when injecting?
- Fully controlled by mobile app?
- Does it have a button to turn it on and off on the device itself?
Omnipod. (n.d.). What is Omnipod? Omnipod. https://www.omnipod.com/what-is-omnipod