Artists With Arthritis

Self-portrait by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

The article “Art History and Arthritis” highlights how several famous artists, despite suffering from arthritis, continued to create art through sheer determination and by using the treatments available in their time.

Artists like Pierre Auguste Renoir and Raoul Dufy struggled with rheumatoid arthritis, yet they continued to paint despite the pain and physical limitations (JointHealth, 2012).  Renoir, for example, lived with constant pain but managed to complete over 6,000 paintings, even as his hands became disabled (JointHealth, 2012).  The article notes, “Renoir persevered through his pain without any therapy” (JointHealth, 2012).  Dufy, on the other hand, benefited from early cortisone treatments, which helped him regain the use of his hands for a period before his death (JointHealth, 2012).

The piece also emphasizes how medical advancements have improved the quality of life for modern artists with arthritis. John Outterbridge, diagnosed in 1993, managed his condition with modern biologic medications, allowing him to continue his work with far less pain and disability than earlier artists (JointHealth, 2012).

Overall, the article shows that artists with arthritis pushed through their challenges, relying on both their own willpower and the treatments available to them. Today, research and medical progress continue to offer hope and better options for people living with arthritis.

JointHealth. (2012, February). Art history and arthritis ” JointHealthTM monthly: Changing arthritis. Art History and Arthritis ” JointHealthTM monthly | changing arthritis.

Renoir, P.-A. (1875). Self-portrait [Painting]. Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France.

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (Sept 15 version) [Large language model].