What is Omnipod?



Omnipod® gives you more with less

Omnipod provides non-stop insulin delivery through a tubeless, waterproof* insulin pump called a Pod—all with no multiple daily injections. Get up to 3 days (72 hours) of continuous insulin delivery and freedom with these innovative features:

  • Wearable: Place the Pod almost anywhere you’d normally inject
  • Waterproof*: Take your insulin anywhere life takes you, even while swimming
  • Tangle-proof: Forget the tubes of traditional insulin pumps

How Omnipod Works

Omnipod tubeless systems are made of two main components, the Pod and a smartphone-like Controller. The Pod is a small device that you fill with insulin and wear directly on your body. The Pod receives insulin delivery instructions from the Controller. It then delivers insulin into your body through a small, flexible tube called a cannula.​

Omnipod® 5

With Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, your diabetes devices are in sync without tubes to tie you down. It’s everything you love about Omnipod—waterproof, wearable, tubeless—and so much more:

  • SmartAdjust™ technology automatically increases, decreases, or pauses insulin every 5 minutes, based on your customized target—helping to protect against highs and lows2-4
  • Activity feature when enabled, reduces insulin delivery when glucose typically goes low, like when exercising
  • SmartBolus Calculator, the only AID system with a built-in bolus calculator that automatically incorporates your CGM value and trend, so you don’t have to
  • Compatible with Dexcom G6 and G7 CGMs

You will still need to bolus for meals. With Omnipod 5, this is done with the Omnipod 5 App or Controller.

Omnipod DASH®

A tubeless, wireless insulin management system that lets you experience more freedom with fewer daily hassles. Wear the Pod for up to 3 days (72 hours) of continuous insulin delivery, without multiple daily injections. And the convenience doesn’t stop there, get it all through the pharmacy. Even the Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) comes at no charge to you.


My mom and Krista from Battelle both mentioned this kind of product to me, so I finally looked it up and found it online. This is actually what I want to explore for my conjecture. This system is exactly what I want to use. By reading the information about Omnipod, I learned a lot about how to design something like this. Looking at the various features Omnipod offers, such as being wearable, waterproof, and tangle-proof, I realized there are many factors I need to consider for my design as I go through Omnipod’s introduction. There are lots of UI/UX elements I can focus on, think about, and use as design references. Seeing and learning from a completed, well-designed product on the market helps me better understand what I should aim for and what can be considered “usable.”

However, one thing I realized is that the brand language isn’t very strong in this product. So, I’m wondering if they did this on purpose or not. When designing a medical product like this, should I also make my brand language an obvious part of the product?


Omnipod. (n.d.). What is Omnipod? Omnipod. https://www.omnipod.com/what-is-omnipod