Inspiring my focus: A TikTok video sharing the reality of a grand mal seizure


Scrolling on TikTok a few weeks ago and I came across this video embed below. I watched the whole duration of the video, in contrast to my usually routine when I scroll past after a few seconds of a video. It caught my attention and more than that, I was very moved by the video. it depicted the creator, Sophia, experiencing a grand mal seizure while she was alone at home in the bathroom. She said that she films her seizures for her doctors to track them and for epilepsy awareness.

Creator: Sophia Paige – @strivewithsoph

Main takeaways from the video:

  1. Unable to retrieve/administer medication
  2. Isolated
  3. Had to call 911/response time of medics
  4. Realistic unfolding of a serious seizure
  5. Became unresponsive within a minute do to the seizure
  6. Posted to TikTok for epilepsy awareness

After learning about and researching the topic of focus, implantable drug delivery systems, picked by Battelle, I found a clear connection. There are advancements with implantation devices for seizure control and there are needs not being met in the epileptic community. I see space for the two to become more interconnected than they are currently. The current problems within epilepsy could be improved if the advancing technology addresses their direct needs.