Sell Your Art With a Focus on Customer Service


This article gives many tips about providing customer service to a loyal customer base and its significance. As important as it is to try to attract customers to the business, it is just as important to keep the customers currently with the company satisfied. However, the article pushes the concept of customer service further past just keeping the customer satisfied. To keep your loyal customers, you should go above and beyond for the customer. By sending them gifts on their birthday or preparing their favorite snacks, an artist can extend themselves for their returning customers. While the art industry and retail industry have their differences, both need customer service. However, all these tips that have the artist go the extra mile for the customer had me wondering about the standards towards customer service. What counts as regular customer service? Is sending a personalized note really customer service that exceeds expectations or is that what the new standard should be? What are the standards or expectations that customers have for banks and how does that affects their overall thoughts of the business?


Phillips, R. (n.d.). Sell your art with a focus on customer service. Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery.