Tested: Best Trunk Organizers of 2024

Thule Go Box Organizer (Keeler, 2024).

Whether you’re driving yourself or chauffeuring a pack of little ones, one thing’s certain: Your family’s most valuable tool—your car—can quickly devolve into a chaotic mess of clutter. That’s where organizers come in, ready to transform your vehicle back to order. Not only does a trunk organizer save your sanity, but it can also save you money by safeguarding your cargo. From delicate wine glasses to rogue egg cartons, the more contained and organized your precious cargo, the calmer your mind and the fewer dollars spent on broken goods (Keeler, 2024).

Cargo and trunk organizers have one job; the real question is, how they do it and how well they perform (Keeler, 2024).

First, we stopped at the grocery store and gathered typical grocery items. Then we carefully arranged them inside each organizer to gauge each unit’s capacity. With the fully loaded organizers placed in the trunk of our car, we drove a predetermined course in an empty parking lot. Our route simulated a mix of aggressive maneuvers and regular driving, incorporating sharp turns and gradual ones, fast starts, quick stops, and everything in between. We repeated the course three times to ensure thorough testing of each cargo container (Keeler, 2024).

After completing the course, we opened the trunk to gauge how well the groceries fared and whether the organizers had moved or shifted during the drive. Following the test drive, we evaluated each organizer, noting features, quality, and construction (Keeler, 2024).


This article gave me a standard for the current trunk organizers. It breaks down five different organizers’ pros and cons by testing them one by one. By reading their reviews and comments on these current organizers, I found that all of them have one similarity: the sturdiness of these organizers is not that great. Even though the objects didn’t get damaged, we can still tell that these organizers moved around a lot based on the before-and-after comparisons. However, there are still many good points that I found very valuable. This article basically tells me everything I need to know about what a good trunk organizer should consider. It can not be too heavy for users to carry around, but materials that will lose shape overtime is also not good. I also found most of them are all collapsible, which is good for spacing and storage aspects. Overall, I can based on these current organizers to come up with a better design solution.


Keeler, K. (2024). Get it together: The best trunk organizers of 2024. car and driver. https://www.caranddriver.com/car-accessories/g60569338/best-trunk-organizers-tested/