Value in art


When thinking about managing finance, an interesting question this article poses is how we value different things

Paul Cézanne, The Card Players, 1892-95

  • The intrinsic or inherent value of art, pertaining to its symbolic quality;
  • The social value of art;
  • The commercial (or market) value.

Mark Rothko, Untitled Red, Black over Red on Red, 1964

After reading this article on how art is valued, it touches on how people assign value to art. What can the topic from this article teach us about how people assign value to anything? According to this article, it is a combination of things and includes both subjective and objective factors. Often people will assign a heavy amount of sentimental value to an object. For example, someone could be way more hesitant to let go of a cheap object with a lot of sentimental value over something that has a lot of monetary value. There is a factor of replaceability that accounts for how we assign value. What can we take away from this article? How can we take what it says about value and apply it to a design that a user will find value in?

Bastoni, Chiara. “Value in Art: What Are the Elements That Define the Value of Art?” Artland Magazine, 24 Feb. 2022,