Design Conjecture: Health Buddy


Through the arts category I looked at lots of different forms of art including exhibits, music, and different public experiences. From all of these different sources I learned a couple of things that I have applied to this product. The main points that stuck out from these articles include trust between doctors and patient, knowing about the state of your treatment, how creativity helps alleviate stress, and the importance of interacting with other humans and connecting. Reducing these stressors through something fun and playful, as seen in the children’s hospitals, could prove to be very helpful in treatment (IDSkids, 2024).

This product strives to incorporates as many of these ideas as possible. The product is a play off of the Tamagotchi product from years ago. This product is a small device that displays your virtual pet. This pets state replicates your current vitals and health data, and promotes you to take actions in your own treatment to help out yourself and your pet. This product comes in a bunch of different colors and it is encouraged to add your own stickers to make it yours!

The purpose of the conjecture is to spark conversation and poke holes in ideas to see what people expect to see in products similar to what you have designed. While talking to classmates, here are some of the questions I received about this product:

  • How does it read your vitals?
  • What do the buttons do?
  • Does it need to charge?
  • How accurate can this be?
  • Can I change what my pet looks like or only the case of the device?


IDSkids. (2024, June 28). The healing power of fun decor in children’s Hospital Environments. IDS Kids.