Site Visit Summary: Antrim Lake Fishing Area


For primary research, I visited the Antrim Lake Fishing Area. It is located in central Ohio approximately 15 minutes from downtown Columbus. ODNR has a small role in the management of the site since they manage waterways across Ohio.

To learn more about this ODNR site visit click here.

I visited Antrim Lake Park on September 2 between 8-8:30pm.

Observation Excerpt:

  • There is a highway running over the trail that leads into the park
  • All of the signage is in English
  • There were kids playing
  • People jogging
  • A group having a get-together/picnic sitting in the grass, they had single-use waterbottles
  • Someone was posing for a photoshoot, they stood on the land and in the water
  • Trash was on the ground 25 feet away from trash cans
  • People biking
  • People walking
  • People on the dock area that looks over the lake
  • Someone brought their dog

Additional Notes:

I was surprised at how clean the park was, however, there was more trash in the parking lot. ODNR only manages the waterway of this park, the rest is managed by the Columbus parks and rec. Some of the trash cans did not have a liner, which made me wonder if there are designated site managers or waste managers. Does trash fall out of unlined cans more easily?