How Streaming Turned Art into Content, and People into Consumers

Image Credit: Getty/Hitesh Sonar For The Swaddle

Streaming services create an illusion of choice, but they have full control over shaping media consumption:

This article takes the stance that streaming monopolies only offer the illusion of endless choices, what you really choose is curated and limited by them. With these services collecting user information, it provides the fake assurance of personalized understanding while undermining your decision-making. This is relative to digital banking as part of my scope is to enable how everyone wants to live their life, individual to them and as a unit, and to do this, a lot of businesses are using data to both incorporate personalized content and influence their new projects.

What this does is take out all the mysteries behind the creative process and put in the hands of an algorithm. How can we personalize banking to each individual while not flattening the creative process of finding yourself? How do we give agency and control back to consumers to allow how personalized their banking experience is?

Another thing to note from this article was its mention of passive consumption, people mindlessly tuning in as streaming services churn out mediocre content. This made me reflect on the possibility of passive spending, and how people can get caught in the routine of paying for things that they do not realize they are potentially overspending. How do we encourage proactive spending?


Naraharisetty, R. (2022, September 23). How Streaming Turned Art into Content, and People into Consumers. The Swaddle.