Minority Report Predicted the Future We Are Already Living In

Lopes, C. (2022, June 21). Minority Report Predicted the Future We Are Already Living In. Valnet Publishing Group. https://www.cbr.com/minority-report-future-predictions-right/

The movie Minority Report is a cautionary tale relative to the current technology emerging:

The article references a scene where Tom Cruise’s character is framed by a system that’s intended to protect him. It compares this to machine learning, and how the insights technology can form around us may become unethical. I see their logic, and question how much data should really predict our actions. It may not go to the extent of the movie, framing us for murder, but in terms of banking, insights around our finances will be very impactful.

A specific example in Minority Report that reflects a negative insight that aligns more with banking is a personalized ad that shouts the character’s name. This reminded me of a dark pattern I read up on called “confirmshaming,” or using manipulative language to evoke emotion. With this being seen in businesses today and reflected in a movie about the future, what can be done to change the momentum?

Similar to the ad, a holographic store greeter remembers shoppers’ previous purchases. These examples ask the question: what does technology do to privacy? As the people inventing this technology, at what point do we accept losing this right, for ourselves? For others?


Lopes, C. (2022, June 21). Minority Report Predicted the Future We Are Already Living In. Valnet Publishing Group. https://www.cbr.com/minority-report-future-predictions-right/