Lessons from the Business of Parasocial Relationships: Supernatural conventions as a case study


Cover images by Reddit user ErinRisi, 2023

“[A] convention has panels where fans can ask the actors questions ranging from the storyline to personal life. There are occasionally concerts held as well featuring musical guests such as Jason Manns, and Brian Buckley.

“Conventions also usually feature a Friday karoke night, which was renamed around 2011 to the DICK & MATT KARAOKE EXPERIENCE by Richard Speight Jr. and Matt Cohen. On Saturdays panels open up for fans to attend and ask questions. They can also get photo ops with an actor and/or an autograph. Depending on the location, the convention will have special events like cocktail party and center piece contest or a cruise with actor Misha Collins. Sundays are when Jared and Jensen usually appear. Most of the time they appear together at the breakfast panel and later at another panel,” (SupernaturalWiki, Salute To Supernatural)

I recently attended a convention for the TV series Supernatural. The show ran for 15 years straight on the CW, and has what is often described a “cultlike following”. Fans from the show encompass a broad age range, from teenagers to senior citizens, many of whom are drawn in by the show’s emphasis on found family and belonging. For almost 20 years, Supernatural conventions have been held, providing fans with the opportunity to meet their favorite stars, eat breakfast with them, take pictures together, and experience the feeling of belonging brought to them through the TV show. Or for some people, to see their celebrity crushes in real life.

In theory, conventions allow fans to engage with the content in real life, share their passion, have novel experiences, and make new friends. I watched attendees freak out over their 5-second interactions with the stars and stand in lines for hours on the mere chance that their celebrity crush might notice them or introduce themself. People brought artwork and costumes that took months to create, and felt honored to share that world with others who share their passion.

While the Ohio Department of Natural Resources certainly doesn’t have the same star-studded appeal as the cast of Supernatural (at least not yet?), ODNR does have the unique opportunity to market their parks places of belonging, as places to do honorable work for the environment.

In a society where land is privatized, free and accessible land is a rarity, simply existing on land is a novelty. Could we help people realize that novel experiences are just a few minutes away? That these places are as deserving of their love as the stars they see on TV?


ErinRisi. (2023). These actors are the best! Some of my Con photos over the
     years. I’ve been to 3 and they never disappoint [Image attached] [Post].
     Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernatural/comments/16us8mm/

Salute to Supernatural. (n.d.). SupernaturalWiki. Retrieved September 4, 2024,
     from https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Salute_To_Supernatural