What is financial wellbeing


Before talking about financial wellbeing it is important I know what it is. This article from UnitedHealthcare provides good insight into the topic.

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For my capstone project, having a good definition of “financial well-being” is important before going too far in depth to this topic. In this article, United Health Care outlines what I think is a well-sated definition of  “financial well-being” as well as an understanding of what financial distress looks like. When looking at the definition laid out above not only is there a monetary need that needs to be met but also a feeling of security in that monetary value. Which of these factors can be controlled and which ones are harder to control depending on an individuals circumstances? When looking at the key characteristics of financial well-being, what design principles can be applied to a project that will help nurture the feeling of financial well-being? The article lays out 5 fundamentals of financial well-being, so what are the things that may be preventing a person from having one if not all of these fundamentals?

“Financial Well-Being.” Financial Well-Being | UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare, www.uhc.com/health-and-wellness/health-topics/financial-well-being. Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.