Save Me From the Subscription Economy!

Joshi, A. (2024, August 31). The Subscription Trap: The Silent Money Drain. Medium.

Subscription services are exploitive and banks should develop tools to help consumers manage them more effectively:

With my topic being personal finance and wellness with a focus on subscription services, this article provided a perspective on how banks could help consumers fight back against the booming industry.

The concept of a subscription command center reflects the research I had done where services are heading towards a mega-platform; centralizing all bills and subscriptions under a single interface resembles a future of digital banking, one stripped of the distant innovations preventing it from forming today. This is a good reminder for when I research more radical technologies, I can’t rely on advancements that’ll take a decade to develop and expect them to solve current issues.

How can I turn projections of what the future may look like into actionable solutions available today? Would a subscription command center really change consumer spending, or just increase their awareness? Is one outcome better than the other? I believe increasing awareness alone can boost financial wellness, as it’ll give consumers the sense they have a firm grip on their subscriptions, but is that enough? How I push this concept further to then ensure a responsible future is a question I’ll have to address.


Johnson, A. (2024, January 26). Save Me From The Subscription Economy!. FinTech Takes.