What can be learned about business through Sid Meier’s Civilization?


Civilization is another great example of a player base who learns a lot from the complex details of a game.

In this article the author breaks down 5 things she learned from this game that can be applied in a business environment. As someone who has played this game, I can attest that there are useful things I’ve learned from the game, from small historical facts to very basic macroeconomic principles. There’s a stigma that all video games are useless and a waste of time. For a lot of games that may be true. However, there are many games out there that can help teach useful and transferable information. Most games share a common trait and that’s the ability to captivate and deeply engage certain audiences. I think the author circles an underlying principle, the idea that games can be engaging but also help teach players practical skills and information. What can games like Civilization inform us when designing a way to help boost confidence and understanding of personal finance?

Ćosić, Teodora. “What Sid Meier’s Civilization Game Taught Me about Business.” N2Growth, 10 Feb. 2023, www.n2growth.com/what-sid-meiers-civilization-game-taught-me-about-business/.