What is going on on EVE Online?


Eve Online is a great example of a player base committing lots of personal time to learning the details of a game.

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EVE Online has always been an intriguing game and community to me. At first glance, it doesn’t seem all that appealing for a video game. Spending hours knee-deep in spreadsheets and market research on a fictional economy does not sound like a good time to me. Yet EVE Online has an enormous player base and these players aren’t just your average “gamers”, they are intensely committed and dedicated to it. EVE Online may be the most realistic finance simulator. Numerous testimonies ring with a similar theme, and it’s that EVE Online uses and develops real-world skills. One player says:

“When I was younger, I was quite shy, and now I’m on stage in front of hundreds of people and doing tournaments that are streamed to thousands. I’ve discovered that I’m very good at it, and I wouldn’t have had any chance to experience that if it wasn’t for EVE.”

People can practice real-world financial skills in this game with 0 consequences. Players can learn from risks taken in the game that they’d otherwise never take in the real world. I believe there’s an opportunity to broaden the scope of skills and learning that can be done in the format of games.    

Regan, Tom. “Welcome to Eve Online: The Spaceship Game Where High-Flyers Live out Their Imperial Fantasies.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 3 June 2022, https://www.theguardian.com/games/2022/jun/03/welcome-to-eve-online-the-spaceship-game-where-high-flyers-live-out-their-imperial-fantasies