8 tips for bagging groceries, according to someone who does it every day


Author: Kirstie Renae

Date: December 20, 2018

Link: https://www.insider.com/best-way-to-bag-groceries-2018-12

Whether working at a grocery store or shopping for yourself, learning the correct way to bag groceries is super helpful in making the grocery shopping process more efficient.

Proper bagging technique is also essential to keep perishable foods safe, delicate foods unbroken, and heavy items from breaking your bag (or your back).

INSIDER spoke with an employee with six years of experience at HEB, a supermarket chain with over 350 stores throughout Texas and Mexico, to find out what is the best way to bag groceries.


Out of the different insights provided in this article, there was one that I found especially interesting. The customer service representative for HEB grocery store stated, “the secret to bagging dry groceries (pasta, cereal, jars, snacks, etc.) is to “build walls with boxes on [the] outside of your bag and fill in the middle with fragile items such as chips. This method not only ensures that your fragile items don’t get damaged by heavy jars and boxes but also maximizes bag space.” While I think this is an interesting method to preventing fragile things from breaking, I wonder if this method doesn’t still cause damage to be done to the dry groceries used to create the outside “walls.” Either way, I think the way in which we bag is important just as much as it is important how groceries are loaded into vehicles for transportation.