Is Ecological Design the New #GreenServiceDesign?


 Summary: “I’m exploring the role Service Design or Design Thinking has in repairing and establishing a healthier climate and planet. Our practice, tools, and human-centered mindset can certainly add value as sectors and organizations align themselves to more sustainable futures. There is a need to establish more green briefs, encourage mainstream briefs to be more green, influence policy, design for the circular economy, and highlight success stories from regenerative innovations. We need to think beyond just the human factor and be a multi-species and ecosystems-centered designer.”

Personal Reflection:

This essay reflects on the role of Service design in bettering environmental conditions within design practice. It goes through suggestions and reflections on how to practice design for a sustainable future. It also defines the role of a service designer. This work is helpful on my research from bringing new perspectives on how service design is practiced and perceived within the design industry.


Smith, T. 2019. Is Ecological Design the New #GreenServiceDesign?. Medium.