Your Watch: Business Design Conjecture


This design conjecture is a bottle and watch combo that alerts the user when their water level is low or in need of hydration. It works hand in hand with the bottle that would switch between the colors, red, blue, and green to keep users aware of their water levers. The bottle would track how often the user drinks out of it and send that information to the watch which would in turn use available technology to read users’ body levels and combine both information and alert the user of when they need to drink some water.
This design conjecture is based on secondary research conducted in the science and technology industries. The bottle would use available technology like sensors when picked up for user drinking and tracking. The bottle would also use available led technology to change lights when the information is sent over from the watch. An app could also be included in both the watch and bottle experience so users could see and track their overall water experience and level throughout their use.