Art Conjecture


Questions I had throughout art section:

How can we help women visualize the impact/importance of their own financial understanding?

How do we get women to want to be financially influenced? – visually

How is wellness visualization contributing to learning and understanding?

A platform for women to buy and trade shares in only nft’s that you and the girlies like, so you see options for buying shares in your fav Kardashian, youtuber, skincare brand, – companies and figures you know will be successful because they match interests. Whether reasonable to invest or not, it would be interesting to view/learn.

A digital piggy bank where you see your savings / growth towards a goal

Huntington savings account apple watch visualization.

LED wall light that automatically adjusts to show savings/gains from investments/financial goal – connected to banking app

^ digital ‘piggy bank’

Apple watch face that illustrates how close you are to a financial goal