Why Parents Should Encourage their Children to be Young Entrepreneurs


Author: Kristina Curtin

Date: September 23, 2021

Link: https://www.unchartedlearning.org/blog/why-parents-should-encourage-their-children-to-be-young-entrepreneurs

With entrepreneurship going on a rise in popularity, it has even become implemented in k-12 education programs. Entrepreneurship requires diligence and effective communication–both of which are required skills not only covered in classroom education but in real-life situations as well. It also requires a heavy set of critical thinking skills that encourage children to be empathetic and analytical which also leads to discovering personal strengths and harvesting their interests and natural strengths to assist in areas they need improvement. Thirdly, Curtin mentions entrepreneurial professions also encourage problem-solving skills (which 91% of employers especially look for according to a study conducted by National Association of Colleges and Employers). This is not only relevant to solely creating potential solutions for the company any employee may need to do, but also for developing a habit of coordinating with a team. According to a research study Harvard conducted, healthy coordination habits and building strong social networks also may lead to conventional happiness among children. Whether that means for the child to be content with bumpy roads or if that means building self-confidence.


Financial literacy is an extremely broad topic that most definitely does not exclude the option of raising a future entrepreneur. As cliche as this may sound, these tips do set the core foundations for building the attitude and skills needed to go toward improving financial literacy among children. These skills are also not limited to only finance-based professions as well. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are also relevant to our profession as designers as well and although we never specifically list those out as skills on our resume, we would not have the habit of releasing numerous iterations without these fundamental skills.