Business Conjecture- Learning Motivational end-to-end app


The strategy here is solely to provide accessibility to resources- providing a ‘place to start’ and a path to learning that could enhance one’s confidence in their knowledge.

The inspiration here is how duolingo used to tell me that I was “50% fluent in Spanish”.

Was I really that good at Spanish? Probably not. Was I extremely confident in my ability to speak Spanish? Telling all my friends and family that I was basically a native spanish-speaker? sure.

An app that introduces financial concepts, provides resources that are relevant to user, a clear learning path, self-guided so that user can follow whatever resources they find most interesting for learning. Main visualization is a ‘money tree’, where new branches grow as concepts (leaves) are unlocked through completing some sort of activity.

The app would also curate popular resources for the topic the user is currently needing to explore. The feed would be similar to pinterest, as it would pull from instagram, youtube, tik tok, and blogs to curate content.

There would be some sort of motivational deal, like getting a free stock at the end of a branch, or earning coins for sharing content. There would be a surplus of guilt-notifications, like Duolingo.

Key screens: motivational launch, onboarding, register with Huntington, Home- visualization of growing ‘tree’ levels that shows path to mastery,

Three of the key screens just to illustrate concept

Limits of this conjecture;

How do we get women to even use this app?

How do we present the information in a reasonable, effective way?

How are we measuring knowledge to advance learning?

Is learning in this style (test-answer-continue on) an effective learning tool for women to learn finance?

This app also doesn’t work with the idea of reframing finance as wellness, it just attempts to make personal learning more accessible. How can a business idea attempt to change the socialization of finance as wellness?