The 7 proven coworking business models


There are a number of sustainable ways to build a co-working space, but not all of them are obvious. A more recent trend in coworking is one in which spaces that often sit empty are repurposed into coworking space during business hours. One of the most proven sustainable models for small-scale coworking, this model takes advantage of the symbiotic relationship between a consultancy and a coworking community. There are two big advantages to this approach. For one, you’re spreading out risk between two businesses—so long as one is performing well, it can make up for slow times in the other. Secondly, the coworking space can provide a nice pipeline of talent and projects for the consultancy, while the consultancy can provide nice work opportunities for the members. Everyone wins!

This article is helpful because the design goal is to create a long-term installation that can be sustained and utilized by community members. The empty plot creates an opportunity to repurpose the underutilized section of the Wright-Dunbar neighborhood. I found it really interesting how the relationship between work space and consultancy was discussed, and made me think of how this project can also develop a symbiotic relationship among users and space. Through thoughtful design and careful consideration of historical relevance and community enhancement, the goal is to develop and environment that is sustainable and mutually beneficial between community and its members.