20 Cool Car Accessories to 3D Print


Author:  Khairullah Zayadi

Date: 20 June 2020

Publisher: All3DP

Link: https://all3dp.com/2/cool-car-accessories-3d-print/

Organization and Decor:

Every driver has been guilty of having a messy car at some point. Regardless of the reason, we’ve found several organizational prints that’ll help you keep track of all the odds and ends floating around your car.

Cup Holder Organizer

Image of: 1. Cup Holder Organizer

Bag Hanger

These hangers attach securely to the posts on your headrest

Cup Holder Trash Container

Now you can have a dedicated trash bag in the car

Cable Clips

Finally, no more stray cables

Sun Visor Clip

Handy and easy to reach shades storage

Lithophane Photo Holder

Perfect for pictures!

Communication and Entertainment

Smartphones and tablets seem to be ubiquitous nowadays. From navigational purposes to business calls, we’ll help you stay safe and follow the law with these accessories.

Basic Smartphone Holder

When you want to keep it simple

Print-in-Place Smartphone Holder

This phone holder's grip is very effective

Tablet Holder

Something to entertain the little ones with

Thirst Quenchers and Other Gadgets

Driving can be a pretty thirsty job. We’re here to help you secure your refreshing beverages with ease. Additionally, 3D printing can help with car maintenance and upgrades. Read on for some simple and cost-effective ways to improve your time in the car.

Headrest Cup Holder

Image of: 11. Headrest Cup Holder

Tissue Holder

Be ready to clean up that inevitable drink spill

Seat Belt Retainer

Keeping seatbelts in place

One of the tertiary primary research questions asked users if they made any sort of modifications to their vehicles. 3D Printing is becoming more of an art form now that most of the public can purchase one at a fairly cheap price, so seeing what design solutions they are devising for improving a car experience is worth looking into, both to identify potential opportunities for future design exploration, as well as for inspiration for fabrication techniques. Especially since I’m working alongside engineering capstone, 3D printing is one of the primary ways that prototypes are fabricated, so it is critical that I understand some of the existing ways people have modified their vehicles using this medium.

Zayadi, K. (2020, June 18). 20 cool car accessories to 3d print. All3DP. Retrieved September 21, 2021, from https://all3dp.com/2/cool-car-accessories-3d-print/.