Like my other conjecture this design involves the Ventilator being connected to the bed. The machine folds over so that the transport team has a clear view when moving throughout the hospital. Doctors can easily monitor everyone in the room with a quick look walking past beds. An advantage to have the ventilator attached to the bed is it travels with the patient and is able to be plugged in when patients are docked in the ICU. Another feature I looked at was the transportation of the patient from the bed to the OR table or different machines. This portion of the lift would be safe to go into machines and the patient wouldn’t have to be disconnected so many times during the process of transport.

When interviewing the Respiratory Therapist they mentioned that he has had to start wearing reading glasses because he is unable to read the monitors. In this design the monitor would be easier to read but wouldn’t get in the way. I would also make more intuitive buttons that are easy to read and easy to use. With this design nurses would be better trained and more comfortable using the Transport Ventilators.