Updated Conjecture: Backseat Video Monitor


This conjecture seeks to explore two of the prevalent issues found during the research, that of media integration and social interaction between parents and children. Parents noted in primary research results that driving in the front seat while their child was in the back seat was bothersome because there were infrequent interactions, poor visibility, and more problems that could arise if parents could not assist their child in the back seat if they needed something. Usually parents would be solving this problem by riding with their partner, and having them sit in the back seat. Per the issue of poor visibility, many existing products exist for parents to see their child while driving, but they usually involve the use of small mirrors that parents have to look backwards to see.

This conjecture seeks to utilize media and technology integration by essentially, allowing little ones to “Zoom Call” to the front seat, and be displayed on the media center. Not only does this allow parents to keep their eyes facing forward on the road, it allows them to catch behaviors that could be problematic before they happen. The kids would also benefit from this system, because they could have a more face to face reaction with a parent, rather than seeing the back of their heads like they do now. This feature can be toggled on and off as needed, similar to the rest of common applications in a media center, like the GPS or stereo.

One of the big business trends expected to hit the automobile industry is that of integrated technology. As vehicles transition to newer models, we should expect to see leaps and bounds of innovation when it comes to combining the automobile experience with a smartphone experience. Some examples might be like turning one’s car on with their phone or integrating productivity tools so that passengers can get work done while in a vehicle. That being said, this feature certainly has room for further development if this tech were to evolve. For example, older children may have a bit of fun with features like backgrounds or filters, and parents could benefit from a streaming feature that could allow a parent at home or at another probable distance to see their kids in the car.