Bringing Social Responsibility to the Shared Work Industry


(Link to the article)


Coworking and social enterprise coexist synergistically. Having a location – an address or simply a place to work – is a powerful legitimizer for nonprofits or fledgling social enterprises. Placing these within a local coworking space – already deeply tied to both a local community and a professional one – helps to extend the impact of both the workers and the cause. 

Key Takeaways

  • This is coworking in the context of social good. Having a space can be a great legitimizer to nonprofit organizations working for the good of their community
  • This also ties social enterprises to the specific local communities they’re working for, and also manages to connect it with the larger professional community that shares the space
  • In essence, this is one direction work tourism or coworking could go.


  • AllGoodWork has emerged as a platform for space operators to support local nonprofits by providing free work space
  • Operators donate workstations or seats to us. It may be seats in a coworking space, or a dedicated desk or an office, depending on the space.
  • We work with nonprofits and for-profit social enterprises
  • We strongly encourage organizations to pay $50 per seat, which is about a tenth of what a coworking space goes for in New York City.
  • if you give something away for free, everyone wants it, even if they don’t need it.
  • The coworking space industry, the serviced office industry, has really boomed, in large part, because of its focus on people and not real estate
  • That’s the intersection of serviced office industry and what’s happening in general with more focus on local and community-based organizations.
  • We have about 75 seats in New York and about 50 in Denver.