Design Conjecture: iATM

iATM is a mobile ATM that creates easy way for the user to have access to their money

iATM is a Huntington initiative that would continue to push their brand to the forefront of what financial institutions are capable of. iATM is a mobile ATM that allows for users to order an ATM to come to wherever they are. I have personally have had problems with standard ATMs so I feel as though it would make the whole process much more seamless and accessible. Ease of use and comfort are of such importance in modern society and modern technology has reflected this.

People typically want to be “free of awkward” and “uncomfortable” situations and the iATM affords this (Velazco et al., 2024). You won’t have to enter a bank or stand awkwardly outside of the bank interacting with this large and clumsy machine. This sleek and modern iATM will “come to where you are and announce itself charmingly” (Bolton, 2024). Prioritizing “convenience and security” is at the forefront of the design, so no one will have access to your information or be able to ‘steal’ your ATM. With biometric scanners on the BulkiATM the interaction with the actual product will take “shorter times” and there is no longer a need to “fumble for their wallets or phones” (Going cashless. and cardless).


Bolton, M. (2024, September 5). Oh no, I might actually want LG’s infuriatingly adorable AI Robot Smart Home Hub. TechRadar.

Going cashless. and cardless. NEC. (n.d.).

Velazco, C., Jimenez, A., & Abril, D. (2024, September 12). Waymo vs. uber and lyft: How cost, speed and experience differ – The Washington Post. The Washington Post.