Conjecture: A Memory Box

OpenAI. (2024). A futuristic yet warm and minimalistic memory box designed for laughter [AI-generated image]. DALL-E.

The Memory Box is a device designed to bring joy and relaxation by storing and displaying personal memories and moments that can make users laugh. It not only stores memories and small objects that might have a connection with the users, but also plays videos, recordings, and photos, which can be displayed through its built-in digital screen. It can also access users’ mobile devices and collect data from them to present a personalized collection of content that brings joy to the users. By allowing users to recall positive memories and laughter-inducing stimuli, it provides touch, visual, and emotional experiences that reduce stress and promote well-being, supporting mental health in an easy and comforting way.

I made this conjecture based on what I questioned from the Vagus Nerve article: can laughter really lift a person’s mood? The article says, “having a good laugh lifts your mood, boosts your immune system, and stimulates the vagus nerve” (Allied Services, 2020). Then how do you create authentic laughter? I think one of the challenges will be ensuring the content in the memory box consistently elicits real, authentic laughter. Another challenge I can think of is using multiple senses to enhance vagus nerve stimulation via the memory box. Are there more functions the box could have to elicit authentic laughter? As mentioned in the article, taking deep breaths helps (Allied Services, 2020), maybe music that guides people to breathe along could be included?


Allied Services. (2020, June 9). The vagus nerve: Your secret weapon in fighting stress. Allied Services.