Tailgating Will Outlive Football- Community and Comradery at the Tailgate

Community and Comradery at the Tailgate


From Indiana University:

“Community is the life blood of the tailgating experience. Without community, the act
of tailgating would not be as purposeful for its participants. While tailgates are framed as being centered on the football experience, the true importance of tailgating does not chiefly lie in the spectacle of the game; rather, it is the act of connecting with fellow fans and strengthening bonds among friends, family, and acquaintances that is a major factor of tailgating. The two main conceptualizations of community that I will explore here are friendliness to strangers and connecting to others. Friendliness to strangers exemplifies the warmth and cordiality that fans of rival teams are often greeted with. Connecting to acquaintances is exemplified by the way many tailgaters use the festivities of tailgating as a way to become closer to those they already know, as well as make new friends”

“…themes I examine here all lend themselves to painting a picture of comradery at tailgating events. Alcohol is used as a way to prepare oneself to view the game and to bond with fellow tailgaters over shared anxieties and worries. Symbols are used as a way to foster good luck collectively, and to express oneself and one’s pride. Community is the most important theme by far, embodied in the friendliness shown to fans of rival teams and the forging and strengthening of bonds with friends, family, and even total strangers. This is why the tailgating tradition has persevered over the years: the football aspect of the event is not the sole attraction. Rather, building new relationships and keeping old ones alive is a major part of the appeal of tailgating. In the face of the criticism that has been lobbied towards football as a sport, it is safe to assume that even if people become disenfranchised with the sport in the future, the actual tailgating institution will survive in one way or another, even if football is not a main focus anymore.”

Tailgating Existed Before Football- and it will Outlive It

What we believe to be the first tailgate was a picnic in view of a battlefield, a show and experience while also providing a method of comradery and support for the viewers military. When large sporting events became popularized, we figured why not do the same thing. And as the professional sports scene has grown larger and larger tailgating has only grown alongside it. And there is one very important detail from this article that I’d like to point to- “the football aspect is not the sole attraction”. Just as the battle was not the main attraction in the beginning, we are here for food, for friends, for fun, and for memories. No matter where the sporting scene goes, the idea of community and comradery will follow it.

The future of tailgating is not easy to predict. We can expect it to follow social trends, but with strong roots in history and social practice, it’s difficult to say what will change and what will remain. But one thing we can be absolutely certain of is that tailgating will outlive football, and it will outlive us.